collaborative project was a great exploration exercise of the many technologies
available to teachers. I started my search and was overwhelmed at the amount of
information I was able to find that kept pouring out at me one after the other.
The group was able to generate an authentic list of many beneficial
technologies but it is nowhere near complete as there are thousands left out
there that we need to bring notice to. It was also great for us to collaborate
because we are able to put our own view on what we thought was most beneficial
to the classroom and our students.
than just finding links and fancy names, I was able to understand how
accessible and easy to use these technologies are. As a teacher, we are
provided with step by step instructions and lesson plans to support our
teaching along with additional resources so the students can explore on their
own. There are fun games and software students can interact with and learn
while building up their curiosity through modeling—a change from continuous
direct instruction. I can see how some of these technologies can be used in the
CURR 314 class as we are discussing different types of assessments and what
will constitute a balanced assessment. For example, many of the virtual activities
such as using software to create and learn can be used as a formative
all the great technologies available and easily accessible to teachers, I will
definitely save the spreadsheet and refer back to it when I am ready to teach. As
I learned from my Read 411 professor, teaching must be cognizant with the
changing nature of technology along with other factors of the environment. This
way, both teachers and students will continue to be effective.